Hi, i am

Nikita Vaulin

Bioinformatician. Biophysicist. Molecular biologist.

Nikita Vaulin


I am an omics-fan bioinformatician interested in cell fate decisions, especially in the context of neurodevelopment. I think (I hope) we are now on the cusp of putting together a complete picture of how the various processes together govern the life of a cell.
Transcription factors, chromatin structure, post-translational modifications, etc. - they set the rules of the game in which the cell must go from the opening through the mittelspiel to the endgame. Chaos plays its role, but I believe that by defining a fully-omics state space we can anticipate all possible outcomes.

You can find me struggling with this questions in the Adameyko lab and Khrameeva lab. And also in Bioinformatics institute, where I teach python programming.


BSc in Biochemical physics
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Sept 2018 – Jun 2022
Bioinformatics for biologists
Bioinformatics institute qualification program
Sept 2022 – Jun 2023
MSc in Life Sciences
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Sept 2022 – Jun 2024
and plenty of workshops and online courses ...
Data analysis in R | R programming | Python basics and applications | Python Programming | Statistics | Biotechnology: gene engineering | Molecular phylogenetics | Machine learning | Web-technologies | Introduction to NGS | Introduction to Linux | Molecular biology and genetics | Git/GitHub basics | Git-game | De novo assembly of the Darevskia raddei lizard genome | Mathematical modeling in drug development | Innovation workshop


Research on human brain cells chromatin structure

MSc student

I analyse different omics datasets (mainly Hi-C data, single-cell Hi-C and also ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, RNA-seq) to study the differences in chromatin structure between neurons and glia. As my master's project, I am focusing on those features that are related to polycomb group proteins. However, I am globally interested in the chromatin and epigenetic changes landscape underlying the processes of neurogenesis and the development of brain disorders

(pandas, numpy, matplotlib, cooltools), bash, FitHic
June 2023 – current
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
HiC experience

Phage DNA-mimic Ocr impact on the E. coli chromatin

MSc student

I analyse Hi-C data of the E. coli genome and integrate it with the ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data. We found that Ocr DNA-mimic expression is not equal to the Hu E. coli DNA-structuring protein deletion (which actually made things more complicated).

python (numpy, matplotlib, cooltools), distiller, nextflow
May 2023 – June 2023
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
HiC in bacteria experience

In silico generation of metagenomic communities

Bioinformatician intern

I develop a python tool (GitHub SAMOVAR) to generate metagenomes with specified properties. It is useful for validating the work of metagenome analysis tools. I implemented part of the algorithm for selecting the required species based on SAT-solvers as well as interaction with the NCBI database

Git, NCBI, conda, python (pandas, biopython, pysat)
Jan 2023 – current
ITMO & Bioinformatics institute
Metagenomics experience




Python (Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn)
R (ggplot2, tidyverse, knitr, emo)
Bash (scripts), Git
Classical ML, basic C++


NGS data processing
ChIP-seq, Hi-C, GWAS, RNA-seq
variant calling, genome assembly
biostatistics and visualization


NGS libraries preparation
ChIP-seq 3C
gene knock-out
work with E. coli and P1 phage


laser cutter

Teaching experience

Workspace and workflow management in biology

My own short course

I developed a Skoltech ISP (indepenent study period) course for 16 hours. In this course we practiced with some tools and shared each other experice. This course were awarded as a best student ISP 2023 course!

Git, GitHub, Snakemake, Bash scripts
Jan 2023
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
My course!

Python programming for biologists


I teach a year-long programming course. We start with the basics of python and then move on may interesting and advanced things which are widely used in computational biology.

python (pandas and matplotlib, OOP and FP, biopython)
Sep 2023 - current
Bioinformatics institute
Python seminar...

3D genomics and Hi-C data analysis


I teach a Hi-C data analysis as a part of the NGS data analysis workshop in BI. Also I give public lectures on the 3D genomics (example in russian).

Bioinformatics institute
Working with Hi-C matrix

Bioinformatics club

My own club

I managed club meetings, gave short lectures on some topics, demonstrate solutions to some problems from the Rosalind website

Oct - Dec 2022
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

More teaching:

  • Intro to bioinformatics for school students, Secondary school 179 named after N. Konstantinov
  • Python programmming, blastim

Teaching assistant:

  • Metagenome analysis workshops, Skoltech
  • NGS data analysis, Bioinformatics institute
  • Machine learning, Bioinformatics institute

Volunteering Experience

Skoltech Triple Point X Startup Village
May 2023; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Donor’s Day SPbPU
2019; Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
«Scientists Against Myths», «Science Station»
2018 - 2019; «SciTeam» Center for the Science Promotion
2019; Dubki, Sestroretsk
North-West Public Organization of the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics
2018 - 2019; Saint-Petersburg

Let's do something wonderful together!